Enterprise and Business Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 3 - Senedd



Meeting date:
2 July 2014


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Claire Morris
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8148






Pre-meeting in private (9:15)



1    Introductions, apologies and substitutions (9:30)




2    Inquiry into Tourism (Session 6) (9:30-10:30) (Pages 1 - 33)

John Griffiths AM, Minister for Culture and Sport

Llyr Jones, National Parks Liaison Officer, Welsh Government

Marilyn Lewis, Director, Cadw

Linda Tomos, Director, CyMAL


Attached Documents:

Research Brief

EBC(4)-18-14 (p.1) - Welsh Government




3    Inquiry into Tourism (Session 7) (10:40-11:10) (Pages 34 - 73)

David Alston, Arts Director, Arts Council of Wales

Sian Tomos, Director of Enterprise and Regeneration, Arts Council of Wales


Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-18-14 (p. 2) - Arts Council of Wales



4    Inquiry into Tourism (Session 8) (11:15-11:45) (Pages 74 - 78)

Rebecca Brough, Ramblers Cymru and Wales Environment Link

James Byrne, Wildlife Trusts Wales and Wales Environment Link


Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-18-14 (p. 3) - Wales Environment Link



5    Papers to note  (Pages 79 - 88)

Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-18-14 (p. 4) - Letter from Chair to Minister for Economy, Science and Transport

EBC(4)-18-14 (p. 5) - Reply from Minister for Economy, Science and Transport

EBC(4)-18-14 (p. 6) - Further Evidence (1) from VisitBritain

EBC(4)-18-14 (p. 7) - Further Evidence (2) from VisitBritain

EBC(4)-18-14 (p. 8) - Letter from Finance Committee to Chairs (English)



6    Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to Resolve to Exclude the Public from the Meeting for the Following Business   

Item 7



7    Consideration of Draft Report (11:45-12:15) (Pages 89 - 128)

Draft report for the inquiry into the Welsh Government’s approach to the promotion of trade and inward investment.


Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-18-14 (p. 9) - Draft Report v 7
